6 Tips for Navigating Shared Custody: A guide for parents

Sharing custody with your ex can be tough on everyone’s feelings and can be hard to organize. But there are ways to make things go smoother for you, your ex, and the kids. This article will give you 6 easy tips to help you deal with shared custody like a champ.

Establish Consistent Communication

Call or chat with your child often to stay close. There are post divorce communication apps like 2houses that can help. Try to call at the same time each week, like on Tuesdays. Don’t call your young child after dinner – they’ll be grumpy and tired (and you might be too!). Same for teenagers – don’t call before dinner, they’re probably not home yet. A short chat is all most teenagers want, like 4 minutes. The main thing is to call when it’s a good time for both of you.  Wait until your child isn’t busy or tired to talk. Keep your chats short and sweet, but talk about things they like.

Send Thoughtful Messages

Use special cards or eCards made for co-parenting to keep in touch between visits. Just saying “I love you” or “Thinking of You” can mean a lot. Sending these messages lets your kids know they’re not alone anymore. It shows them that both parents are still there for them, just like before. And sometimes, giving small gifts like balloons or flowers can make a big difference, especially for younger kids aged 2 to 6.

Nurture Connections with Visual Cues

Go ahead and Create a welcoming environment for your child by incorporating reminders of the other parent into your home. Allow your child to display a photo of the other parent in their room, and curate albums of cherished memories. Ensure that your child has everything they need during their stay, minimizing the need to bring belongings back and forth.

Foster Mini-Traditions

Create small traditions together. Do things you both like, like watching TV shows you enjoy or playing board games. Do dinner together. Set some weekend plans with your kids. Doing these things regularly helps your child feel comfortable and like they belong in both homes.

Set Clear House Rules

Kids do good when they know the rules! Make clear rules for your house right from the start. This way, your child knows what to expect. Rules can change as your child gets older, but try to keep things the same as much as possible. This will help your child feel safe and secure.

Prioritize Stability and Comfort

When your child goes between your house and your other parent’s house, make sure they are comfortable in both places. They should feel loved, safe, and happy no matter where they are. Especially for 50-50 shared custody, make sure both homes should be like warm hugs, making your child feel like they belong. This will help them feel good overall and do well in life. So, make both houses cozy, friendly, and places where your child feels taken care of.

So, How do you navigate shared custody arrangements? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below!